Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Own Bucket List

I don't know what comes to me but I suddenly thought of making my own Bucket List, yeah just like the movie of Jack Nicholson. Perhaps,so I can say I have accomplished and pursued something and most importantly make my life meaningful and exciting? I'm excited to make and complete all of them For now, I'll have 50 entries and let's see how many I've accomplished and how fast and easy.

So from time to time, these entries adds up until I reach 50. =)

1. Go to Disneyland. Wherever it is as long as it's Disneyland, but I guess it would be lovely if it is Japan or Hongkong, maybe.
2. Have sex on the beach with someone I love. Yeah not just with a stranger or for one time only with someone. May it be in the water or on the sand. Lovely. Tee-hee..=)
3. Learn a new language and maximize it. Can be Japanese, Chinese, Spanish or French.
4. Learn how to swim.
5. Learn how to cook.
6. Experience snow or winter.
7. Visit at least one country per year.
8. Experience not to eat any meal for one whole day.
9. See a Hollywood star that I like in person and have a photo with him / her.
10. Have my own clothing line kahit small lang and not so known.
11. Experience charity work
12. Have my own ukay store? may think this is crazy but I'm really thinking to have one. Who knows?

13. Donate to build a school or a church.
14. Have my own customized invitations business.
15. Kiss a girl.
16. Try to skydive.
17. Wish on a shooting star.
18. Have a European tour.