Saturday, August 4, 2012


It's a rainy day today but I still went on to P. Gil to have Zoe's Science book photocopied for exam next week. Sabi ni kuya, "Balikan nyo na lang?" Oh well, here we go again. In my mind, "pwede namang intayin na lang? wala namang ibang customers ah". I just gave in. Just to kill the time, I went from store to store on my way to Robinsons Ermita. I cam across this new Korean store which sells different accessories, from eyeglasses, clips, ponies, necklaces, rings, earrings and the likes. Basta anything Kor-ya. Wow, there are so much I wanted to buy unfortunately though, the only money left from my purse is around P180. darn. I already chose 2 cute bow earrings that costs P60 each. I almost bought it when I saw their ring collection. Soo cutesy they are. This ring caught my attention and reminded of this cellphone casing that comes in different colors that I mostly see.

Isn't it adorable? I just have it for only P150. Bought this immediately and left the two earrings I got earlier. The store's name is CZA and they have many cute items out there. Though some of them are a bit pricey. I'm doubtful if these items are really from Korea or just made here and the raw materials can be bought in Divisoria, Quiapo and the likes. Anyways, you can visit their store in P. Gil beside Jollibee and near St. Paul University if you don't have time for spying cheap items in Divi. =)

The ever controversial MAGNUM

So what's magnum about Magnum? People are talking about it, mostly in Facebook. So, intriguing isn't it? With lots of them posting pictures of this fad chocolate ice cream and craving statuses, it finally got to my nerves. Until I can't wait to taste it myself. And alas, I got a chance last night. Finally, I found a 7-11 outlet who sells an overflowing Magnum ice cream bar. With a short budget, I still spare my P55 for this Magnum Almond. I chose almond since it is one of my fave nuts in a chocolate. So, I took my first bite, while in a jeep as this little kid watches and drools over what I'm eating.

My first bite...hmmmm...ok, I can taste the Belgian chocolate. Second bite...hmmmm...nothing's new. Third bite...where's that something? Wala naman e. Fourth Bite...nauumay na ako!

I love Selecta ice creams. I salute the Marketing of Magnum. But my last didn't pass my taste and it gives no justice with its price. It's more like P30-40 to me. There's no extraordinary about this ice cream. There are more ice cream bars way greater than this with a very reasonable price. I'm not really after the price, I'm after the taste. I'm not sure why there are so many people who get crazy over it. My theory, it's either they are belgian chocs addict or it is something new to their taste. I rather eat real belgian chocolates. Wala pa din tatalo sa vanilla ice cream cone ng McDo.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Do MEN Think of Your LIPSTICK?

Vibrant retro reds. Blinding pinks. Glosses so shiny you can see your reflection. If you love experimenting with lip color and consider Nicki Minaj your makeup hero, how about taking a minute to consider what guys think of the latest addition to your makeup bag before you whip out that gloppy wand of vanilla-scented gloss? We asked Men’s Health Senior Contributing Editor Matt Bean for the male perspective on the varying shades of lipstick.

Classic red (as shown by Taylor Swift)
That’s a look-at-me color. An I-want-attention kind of color. If you’re at a bar with the girls looking to meet people, it can work as a beacon of sorts. If you’re on a date with your husband, it says that you’re really kicking it up a notch. On the other hand, you can’t kiss a girl with bright red lips or you end up looking like a clown.

Hot pink (as shown by Blake Lively)
It doesn’t have the classic romance of a bright red. It’s more punk, rock star, adventurous. It reminds me of “Jem and the Holograms”—in a good way. It says you’re not afraid of a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll. I would expect the girl to listen to good music and not just hang out at Ann Taylor.

Dark Purple/burgundy (as shown by Rooney Mara)
This says she’s not afraid to take risks. It tells me that she’s edgy and could be challenging in a good way. Not that she has a dark side, but that’s she’s. . . different. On the right woman, dark color is intriguing.

Neutral (as shown by J.Lo)
When you wear the lipstick that’s the same color as your skin, you look like a corpse, like you’ve been out in the cold too long. It’s disconcerting. Also, neutral lip gloss looks like a glazed donut.

Bright Orange (as shown by Kirsten Dunst)
It makes me think… “Wanna Fanta?’” And also that she’s got a spicy personality and is probably a lot of fun. Very confident. Not afraid to try something that’s different.

Metallic (as shown by the one and only Lady Gaga)
It's a teenage thing, so if you’re “Sex in the City” age, you can come off a little trashy. Glitter should stay in the strip club. Practically, those sparkles end up everywhere.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Horoscope for the New Year

Just after the first day of the New Year, yes 2012 I immediately checked what's in store for me this year. Will it be another hell of a year (which is usually the case) or will it be better already (very hopeful). I'll be posting here the forecast which I found in Yahoo because it has the greatest one among I've heard. So, this will be the one I'll hold on to and believe. Hehehe...

Gemini Outlook for 2012

5/21 – 6/21

Year 2012 Career

Neptune, the planet of inspiration, moves back into your career sector this February to work its mystical glamour for the next several years. This is a time when your dreams and visions insist on becoming tangible realities (FANTASTIC!).  A quality of inspiration infuses all that you manifest over the next 12 months, so consider the world your creative oyster! No longer will you work just for the sake of earning a wage; rather, your career promises to become more of a soul-calling (I'M HOPING SO!). The only downside to this influence is that it can sometimes bring confusion or disillusionment (DARN!). If this is the case, trust that it's simply a necessary sacrifice that will later bring deeper levels of fulfillment.

Mars, the planet of action, will be out of phase for the first four months of the year, putting everyone in a more introverted frame of mind rather than visualizing the future. You usually thrive on continuous movement, but this imposed pause in the action couldn't come at a better time. Use this energetic slowdown to properly integrate all your sources of inspiration and recent feedback. Your whole concept of work is in a profound process of metamorphosis right now.

Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, enters your work sector in October, where it will take up residence for the next two-and-a-half years. This is a time to transform your daily schedule and weed out any methods that waste time. You'll begin to take your talents more seriously and realize that you deserve higher pay and, more importantly, a higher ranking (HMMMM.....). Integrity in your work style becomes the theme for the last few months of the year, ultimately setting the tone for 2013.

Year 2012 Romantic

Saturn will run its final series of tests in 2012 in your creativity and romance sectors. Hopefully you've gotten clear about where your boundaries lie, and what (and who) you need to say no to in order to remain true to your highest principles. You've learned the hard way what you will and won't tolerate in your love life, and you can now apply this wisdom to a current (or future) romance. You have until October to master those deep karmic teachings since Saturn won't return to this area of your chart for another 27-and-a-half years.
With the planet of sexual energy, Mars, revving up the base of your chart for the first half of the year, you'll have more than ample mojo to see you through. This is an unusually long time for Mars to occupy one particular sign - it's been in your fourth house since November 2011. And once you get your groove back, Mars moves into your romance sector in July to make a sweet contact to Venus while touring Gemini. 2012 is set to be your summer of love!
The planets work in perfect succession to keep you in the sunshine of your love all the way through December. Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, will grace your constellation for an extended visit between April and August. It will be retrograde between the end of May and June - right during your birthday season - so don't be surprised if ghosts from your romantic past make an appearance. And with the arrival of autumn, you'll still have many planets singing you amorous tunes. Venus will enter your romance sector at the end of October to continue the theme of love, beauty and pleasure. To sum up this delightful conglomeration of love transits during the second half of the year: You'll go from high-energy to pronounced libido to romance to creativity to sexuality to love to commitment (or break-up) and back - all within the span of six months!

Hmmmmm....let's just see if these things will somehow happen...Happy 2012 everyone! =)