Monday, January 7, 2013

ABCs of Parenting

I have read a good article in the lifestyle section of PDI back on Feb 2012. It is an article written by the loving wife of Mr. Miguel Zubiri, Mrs. Audrey Tan-Zubiri. She came up with her own version of ABCs of Parenting which I can totally relate because I'm also a mother myself. I am a mother of a cute and witty 4 year old kid. I will retype here Mrs. Zubiri's article which is so good that I've kept it for almost a year and I only got time now to post here in my blog.

A - alarm clock
Once you have kids, the need for an alarm clock n the morning is eradicated. In place of the ringing sound, you will have fingers poking your eyes, nose and mouth. There is no snooze button, either, only louder crying to signify that you are not dreaming.
This is so, so true 'cos I'm currently experiencing this. I can hardly sleep when my kid is awake. She keeps on poking me everywhere on my face and I keep hearing her talking about anything endlessly. Then later on, her winning line would be "Mimi wiwi ako" Oh Man! Now I really have to get my ass up.
B - Baby shoes, baby smells, baby feet, baby anything!
Nothing makes you move and talk ever gently and lovingly than when you are holding the smallest hands in your own.
You can't really resists them. I'm guilty that I have this obsession of kissing and biting my daughter's cheeks or holding her hand firmly.

C - Cracks, crashes and corners.
Brace yourself. Once the baby comes, nothing in your home will ever be safe again. Vases, antiques, and plates? They're all fair game. But it doesn't stop here. because if there's one thing kids keep accidentally crashing, it would be themselves! So keep a close eye and a hand over every table corner as they run by, and another hand to catch them before they crash on the pavement.
Yep. You really have to keep a close eye not only on your baby as well as to your home furnitures and displays. But I'm glad my kid is nothing like this much. Just a little. hehe.
D - Disney
I've never been more grateful for truly wholesome entertainment from Mickey Mouse on TV. And of course, a big thank you to the Disney folk for the joy Lightning McQueen, Mater and oh. alright the Princesses bring to my kids. Special mention goes to Barney and Elmo.
It really helps that I'm still a kid at heart 'cos I enjoy watching these shows while my kid does. I also sing and dance with all these characters too! =)
E - Excitement
Bored with your routine and life? Grab a toddler and see the world through their eyes, and things will never be the same. Who would have thought I would find myself running to scoop up a toddler with outstretched arms to see every plane that passes overhead, or jumping up to "catch he fireworks" for a preschooler who think it's Tinkerbell's fairy dust?
This is so true. I thought I'm the only one who feels this. When I was still single, there is always this time of the year that I feel bored of the activities I do. But now, I have totally forgotten these feelings or perhaps I'm no longer bored at all.
Spoiler "lolo" and "lola"
F - Family
Who can deny the role every member of the family plays in helping raise your kids? There's the ever indulgent and spoiler lola and lolo, the strict uncle, the playful ninong, and the little ones to run around and fight with before happily playing with again. As the family grows, so does the joy that accompanies every moment the family has together.
Oh really, that's why sometimes I think that it is hard to raise a kid when you have big family. There are so many influences around you. A kid easily adapts his environment. Though sometimes a big family also helps in your child's development especially in talking and interaction with people. Your baby becomes a happy one too.
G - Gummy smiles
I never thought I would one day look back so wistfully on my children's gummy smiles, but how I miss them! Back then, I eagerly anticipated the arrival of the first tooth. Now a whole set of teeth proudly shows whenever they open their lips, but sometimes, I can't help but wish I could see that gummy, toothless smile one more time.
How come toothless babies are cute to look at but a toothless adult is not? hehe
H - Hammie
Here's to mispronounced words and names that become part of the family's vocabulary. When Adriana was smaller, there were (and still are!) a lot of words she couldn't pronounce properly, including her brother's nickname. While I was pregnant with Juanmi, she constantly referred to him as "Hammie" (yes, like hamon). Today, she can easily pronounce his name properly, but it's too late for my son. I can't wait to see what new words or name he will add to our vocabulary once he starts mispronouncing!
My kid can't pronounce well the letter R, she pronounces all words with R with letter W. But other than this, she speaks clearly.
I - Independence
" I do it! is the battle cry of every toddler/preschooler. Whether it is opening the door, trying to make their own bottle of milk or putting on their shoes, they simply have to be one to do it. Never mind if the shoes are on the wrong side, or if it took them 20 minutes to do what you could have done in 20 seconds.

J - Jingle Bells
Every parent has a foolproof lullaby to rock the kids to sleep. I don't know why, but for both my kids, it's "Jingle Bells." Maybe it's the beat, or the maybe they just like celebrating Christmas all year round? Whatever it is, it works.
Hay sakit sa ulo if they are on the stage when they pick the clothes to wear. Even if it doesn't fit or look good, they just want it. Now, I understand why some kids are wearing costumes in malls or parks for no apparent reason or occasion.
K - Kisses
Parents work 24/7 for nothing more than hugs and kisses. Whether it is a slobbery wet one, a loud juicy smack, or soft butterfly kisses, we'll take them all and come back for more.
They are so good to feel and it fades away any bad vibes you have.
L - Laughter
Don't you just love how kids can laugh for five minutes straight over absolutely nothing at all? Seeing kids crack up and hold their bellies as they laugh their heart out is the perfect way to cure any bad mood.

M - Mama
Among all first words, there is nothing more eagerly anticipated by any mother than the magical "Mama". This is it. The contract is signed by the other party and you're going to be "Mama" for life --even at 2 a.m. as you sleep soundly and your son cries out "Mama!" or when you're in the bathroom, for whatever reason --and both kids are pounding on the door.
Aaaah...yes, this is the only thing you can hear from them and -- repeatedly especially when you ignore them. Kids are really full of questions too!

N - Nursing
We could probably come up with a whole alphabet again for breastfeeding, with all the emotions, opinions and experiences that come with it. Admittedly, it may be tough in the beginning and your patience will be tested, but never have the stakes been higher. Of course, every mother knows what is best for her child, but will always cherish that golden opportunity and privilege I had to be my child's sole source of physical and emotional nourishment.
Can't relate much because I didn't experience to breastfeed my child. She grows with a formula milk, unfortunately.
O - Oracle
According to Wikipedia, an Oracle is "a person...considered to be a source of wise counsel or predictions." (Get down! You will fall! Aaay!) we are their Oracles--until they hit their teens and decide that we don't know anything.

P -  Potty training
It's all fun and games until someone gets peed on. or worse.

Q - Question and answer
Welcome to the world of never-ending questions such as, "Why is it raining? Why is the tree green? Why is there a baby in her tummy?", I'm currently experiencing this. Everything she sees, she has question/s. They say it's good because it only shows that your child is a smart one because she is curious of everything surrounds her. Most of the times they have amazing and funny questions which can make you think twice.
R - Rest
Children have a way of making time and rest seem like a luxury or a distant memory. Fortunately, a wise parent from the olden times invented naps and early bedtime and got them accepted as neccessities of childhood when, in fact, they're for the parents--but shhh, don't tell the kids.
I'm glad that I've practiced my child to sleep 3x a day but now only 2x since she goes to school already. And yep, it makes me do other activities.
S - Supermarket
Parents can't be expected to always come up with great entertainment for little kids. Solution? A trip to the grocery! It's educational (Baby, get five mangoes) and exciting (Look, kids! Fish! Shrimps! Crabs!) Wow! it's like being in an ocean park.
Oh, very seldom that I bring my child in the supermarket. Super gulo lang. But it is true, a trip to supermarket is an educational one. Zoe used to enjoy looking at the fishes and sea creatures inside the aquarium. Supermarket helps them to familiarize with vegetables, fruits and others.

T - Tears
It started when I was pregnant, and I blamed the hormones for making me cry over sappy commercials. But the hormones are long gone now, and I still tear up over everything. he book "Love You Forever." Andy growing up in "Toy Story 3." Mrs. Jumbo tenderly cradling little Dumbo wither her trunk from inside her prison cage with "Baby Mine" playing in the background. Oh gosh, what is wrong with?!

U - Ultrasounds
It's always love at first sight, from that first glimpse of a round sac to hearing that tiny beating heart to discovering whether you're going to have a daddy's girl or a mama's boy.
From what I can remember from my first ultrasound is really unbelievable. A life inside me? I can produce life, indeed. Zoe looks like a gummi bear in her first ultrasound picture.
V - Volume control
While I will take a happy and loud house anytime over a silent and empty one, there are moments when I do wish I could get a remote control and turn the volume down a notch or two.

W - Wonder
It is so precious to watch children as they allow everything to delight them. They wonder how the moon changes shapes. They put seashells to their ears and listen to the sound of the ocean into it. i pray that my kids never stop getting amazed by the wonders of this life.
I really like it when my child amazes over some little things. Her gets bigger and rounder as in literally, like the ones you see in an anime.

X - Xtra
Fine, technically this falls under E for "extra" but cut me some slack. in this case, when with children, always travel with extras--extra clothes (for them and you), extra diapers, extra milk, extra food and an extra dose of humor.
This is so true. I usually bring extra on everything. It's better to be a girl scout than not to be prepared at all. Mahirap na.

Y - Yes!
I was just thinking about how great it would be for parents around the world if instead of a "No! No! No!" phase, children had a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" phase instead!

Z - Zoos
Zoos and ocean parks were the last places I would ever have thought of visiting during long weekends or trips abroad. They're still the last places I would think of visiting during my vacations, but my children say otherwise, so off we go to see the elephants and the monkeys.

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