Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Just testing. 
This my first post here in my newly-created blog. I'm still not contented with my blog name. I've gotta think of my own, something unique. I've tried a while ago but sheeesh all that I entered are already taken. So, now I'm running out of names. I haven't customized my page as well. I still have to navigate every setting and function of this site. 

I know I've done one before3-4 years ago, perhaps? I just got tired to write so I was not able to continue it anymore. I already forgotten my name too. But now, with this, I'll try to continue as long as I can. Hahahaha...Hopefully!
It is indeed a good thing that we keep track of everything that we do, we go etc. by having a blog or some sorta. This is my frustration - WRITING. I can be talkative and talk and talk, blah and blah but in writing my whole thought usually get lost. I have no consistency...sheesh.

For now, please bear with me 'cos I'm still new here and perhaps in writing too. 

My assignment is to write a good description/profile about me and a good blogspot name.

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