Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Own Bucket List

I don't know what comes to me but I suddenly thought of making my own Bucket List, yeah just like the movie of Jack Nicholson. Perhaps,so I can say I have accomplished and pursued something and most importantly make my life meaningful and exciting? I'm excited to make and complete all of them For now, I'll have 50 entries and let's see how many I've accomplished and how fast and easy.

So from time to time, these entries adds up until I reach 50. =)

1. Go to Disneyland. Wherever it is as long as it's Disneyland, but I guess it would be lovely if it is Japan or Hongkong, maybe.
2. Have sex on the beach with someone I love. Yeah not just with a stranger or for one time only with someone. May it be in the water or on the sand. Lovely. Tee-hee..=)
3. Learn a new language and maximize it. Can be Japanese, Chinese, Spanish or French.
4. Learn how to swim.
5. Learn how to cook.
6. Experience snow or winter.
7. Visit at least one country per year.
8. Experience not to eat any meal for one whole day.
9. See a Hollywood star that I like in person and have a photo with him / her.
10. Have my own clothing line kahit small lang and not so known.
11. Experience charity work
12. Have my own ukay store? may think this is crazy but I'm really thinking to have one. Who knows?

13. Donate to build a school or a church.
14. Have my own customized invitations business.
15. Kiss a girl.
16. Try to skydive.
17. Wish on a shooting star.
18. Have a European tour.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Great Deal!

Today, I just purchased my first ever discount voucher. Such a great deal, I think. Just fascinated with all these group coupons which I finally purchased myself one from cashcash pinoy. This is what I got.

2 Days and One Night Getaway to Residencia de Regio resort in Batangas
From its original value of P3000, I got this package for P900 only! And it's valid for one year too for two! This is what in store of my voucher

  • When it's about lively past, history, folklore, nature and stretches of excellent beaches and relax, it's about Batangas!
  • Choose among 4 exclusive pack at incredible price.
  • A Unique Filipino design based on the classic Nipa Hut - from cottages to the rooms and bar!
  • Inclusive of use of swimming pool, reserved cottages, breakfast and entrance for everyone!
  • FREE use of facilities like Basketball half court, Volleyball court, Darts, Billiard hall, Badminton, Table tennis and Karaoke machine!
  • 3 magnificent swimming pools to frolic in : 2 for adults and 1 for children!
  • Spectacular light show at the pool every evening - the resort's unique main attraction!
  • Your voucher is valid for 1-YEAR!
  • Buy and use as many vouchers as you need.

Just like that, you now have a reason to visit Batangas aside from their kicking Barako coffee! And with this CashCashPinoy deal, we won't be surprised to find all of you out there flocking to Batangas in droves! Just check out our amazing 2D/1N stay at Residensia de Riego in Alitagtag, Batangas! For 2 pax, 4 pax, up to 8 pax or up to 16 pax, you have a great choice among several packages! Whether it's a date, a get together with your closest friends or a family reunion, this offer will definitely make your out-of-town trip to Batangas as painful as possible. Even more so when you consider that these packages include FREE use of swimming pools PLUS breakfast and entrance free to the resort for EVERYBODY! Also inclusive is an open cottage specifically reserved for you and your company! 

With the Kubo Villa, inspired by the classic Pinoy Nipa Hut, you'll enjoy a simple and natural stay for 2, with Fan.
If you're more than 2, you have several choices from Deluxe Room for 4 pax, to Supreme Room for 8 pax! All these rooms are perfectly equipped with Refrigerator, Flat Screen TV with satellite, Comfort Room with Shower Heater, Intercom and many more! Or you can get Econo Room, up to 16 pax! You'll probably enjoy also the FREE Wi-fi, and the FREE use of Griller Station, facilities like Basketball half court, Volleyball court, Darts, Billiard hall, Badminton, Table tennis and Karaoke machine!!

We know the deal sounds so exciting already, but let us pump your juices up a little bit more. First of all, at Residensia de Riego, you'll be treated to some Filipino-style accommodations! Wooden structures roofed with anahaw leaves give you the feeling of a genuine Pinoy barrio. Even the bar and restaurant, which plays good music with a live band at night, is styled in this way so as not to break the illusion.

During the day, you can hang out at your nipa hut cottage, which is just one among many dotting the three spectacular pools of the resort: 2 for adults and 1 for kids! During the evening, you can still stay at your cottage and marvel at the spectacular light show emanating from the pools - Residensia de Riego's main attraction! This beautiful display of light and water is bound to be a favorite memory you and your group will cherish for a long time!

Then, I came across with this blog in which she features the resort. Look how lovely the place is. Just search for her blog about Residencia de Regio

Still unsure when to go there. But I'm already excited!!!!


If only these shoes are available here perhaps I couldn't resist the temptation not to buy THEM. Because they are simply my eyes....and feet of course.

They are just but two of the

70 Stunning Shoes From Paris Fashion Week

Among the others, they are my favorites simply because it's ME. These shoes are so, so ME. =)

Yves Saint Laurent

Veronique Leroy

You can check other lovely shoes here

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eye Shapes Make Up Tips

Eye Shapes Makeup Tips

The basic of eye makeup begins with determining your eye shape and selecting makeup technique that works best for your eye shape. Determining eye shape is just as important as choosing the right colors for your coloring. Depending on the shape of your eyes you should choose different colors and ways of applying eye makeup.
Learn how to determine eye shape and apply eye makeup for each eye shape.

Eye Makeup for close-set eyes

If the space between the inner corners of your eyes is shorter than the width of one eye, you have close-set eyes.
So your aim is to make your eyes look further apart. To create the illusion of width, you should emphasize the outer corners.
Makeup for close-set eyes:

Applying eye makeup for close-set eyesApplying eyeshadow for close-set eyes   light shade

Applying eyeshadow for close-set eyes   medium shade

Applying eyeshadow for close-set eyes   dark shade
1. Apply light eyeshadow from the inner corner of your eye to the middle of your eyelid (from lashes to browbone) to widen the space between the eyes. Keep small highlight color in the inner corner of the eye.

2. Extend the darker eyeshadow to the outer corner of your eye from lashline to browbone.

3. Use the most intense color of eyeshadow in the outer corner.

4. Use eyeliner to draw a very thin line along the upper eyelashes. To bring the attention to the outer edge of the eye thus making your eyes appear further apart, apply eyeliner so that it becomes thicker near the outer corner of your eyes (both top and bottom). You should draw the line as close to the lashes as possible.

5. Use mascara in the outer corners of the eyes.

6. Widen the space between the brows by plucking. Extend the brows with a brow pencil line at the ends.

Eye Makeup for wide-set eyes

If the space between the inside corners of eyes is wider than the width of one eye, you have wide-set eyes.
So your aim is to reduce the space between the eyes to make your eyes look close together. To bring eyes closer together, you should emphasize the inner corners by using darker colors in the inner corners.
Applying eye makeup tips for wide-set eyesApplying eyeshadow for wide-set eyes   light shade

Applying eyeshadow for wide-set eyes   medium shade

Applying eyeshadow for wide-set eyes   dark shade
1. Reduce the space between the eyes by applying dark eyeshadow in the inner corner.

2. Apply the lighter eyeshadow to the outer two-thirds of the lid from lashline to browbone.

3. Use eyeliner to draw a very thin line from inner to outer corners on both upper and lower lids.

4. Pencil eyebrows a little closer to the nose. Don't extend eyebrows out at the ends

Makeup for prominent eyes

Prominent eyes which set far forward in the face tend to dominate the facial features.
With special makeup prominent eyes can be made less obvious:

1. Apply dark eyeshadow over the entire lid and extend eyeshadow into entire eye crease

2. Use a highlighter under the brow to lighten and lift.

3. Use the eyeliner to minimize the lid

4. Apply plenty of mascara to emphasize top lashes.

Makeup for almond eyes

These are the most common eye shape. Almond eyes are characterized by upswept outer corner. Almond eyes considered the classic eye shape and therefore if you have almond eyes you can easily experiment with various eye makeup looks.
1. Apply light eyeshadow on the lid from lash to brow. Use neutral eyeshadow.

2. Apply dark eyeshadow of the same color on outer corner of the eyelid.

3. Blend light eyeshade under the brow for highlighting.

4. Use eyeliner on the upper lid to make almond eyes appear large. If you want your almond eyes look more round, stop eyeliner before the outer corner of the eye.

5. Apply mascara on upper lashes with emphasis on outer corners.

Makeup for small eyes

They are proportionately smaller in comparison to the rest of the facial features.
Applying ryr makeup for small eyesApplying eyeshadow for small eyes   light shade

Applying eyeshadow for small eyes   medium shade

Applying eyeshadow for small eyes   dark shade
1. Apply light shadow on the eyelids. Apply pastel colors.

2. Apply medium-toned shadow in the creases.

3. to give the eye more prominence, apply highlighting shade under the brow

4. Line upper and lower lids with soft-colored eyeliner to enhance small eyes.

5. Apply black mascara on upper lashes.

Makeup for hooded eyes

If you can't see your eyelid, you have hooded eyes.
To enhance hooded eyes:

1. Apply lighter shadow in the inner corner of the eye and on the brow bone .

2. Apply medium or dark shadow on the crease and hooded area.

3. Line upper lid to open the eye.

4. Apply black mascara to upper lashes.

Makeup for deep-set eyes

You have deep-set eyes if you can see some of your eye lid in the outer corners of your eyes, but this section of eye lid narrows as it gets closer to the inside corners of your eyes.
If you have deep set eyes:

1. Apply light or medium eyeshadow from the inner corner of your eye to the outer to bring deep set eyes forward

2. Apply dark color on the eye crease

3. Use eyeliner on upper lids

4. Use mascara on top lashes only.

5. Raise the brows slightly by penciling in a little above the born

Makeup for round eyes

To elongate round eyes and make them appear more almond-shaped:

1. Apply medium eyeshadow on the eyelid up to the crease.

2. Extend the shade to the outer eye corner and continue down along the lower lid.

2. Use darker liner to line top and bottom lid. Extend eyeliner out and up beyond the eyelid at the outer corner.

3. Apply mascara for top lashes only, more on outer half.

Makeup for Asian eyes

If you have Asian eyes:

1. Apply light eyeshadows on your eyelids. Use lighter shadow in the inner half and darker one in the outer half

2. To enchance the eyelid surface, apply a light shade under the brow area then divide the eye in half vertically

3. Use a pencil to make a thick smoky line along upper eyelashes and a thinner line under the lower eyelashes.

4. Cover your eyelashes with mascara.

How to Look 10 Pounds Thinner in Pictures

I just found out about these secrets while I was googling on make-up tips. Not that I'm really concern about looking fat in pictures which actually I care less. But this is only for the benefit of some who are dying to know how to fake their figures in photos!

Why is it that celebrities always look skinny in red carpet photos? 
So how is it that in pictures they all appear so slim-ly terrific? More importantly, how can we look 10 pounds thinner in photos?

The secret is in the pose. (That, and the fact that they starve themselves a week before events and get sprayed by professional tanning people and wear gut-sucking Spanx and ...). Back to the pose. Here we share five secrets to appearing 10 pounds thinner in photos. You can practice these tips in front of a mirror, but we suggest locking your door first so as not to be caught appearing vain.

Secret No. 1: Turn partially sideways to the camera, planting one foot in front of the other. Point your toe to the camera and place your weight on your back foot.
Secret No. 2Pull head forward slightly to minimize any appearance of a double chin.
Secret No. 3: Hold arms slightly away from your body. This keeps upper arm flab from flattening out and therefore appearing flabbier (much like thighs do when one sits on a couch).
Secret No. 4: Pull shoulders back, chest forward and gently suck stomach in. Be careful not to suck stomach so far in that your ribs show, thereby causing those who later see the photo to cluck to themselves in a bemused, sing-song voice, "She's sucking i-in."
Secret No. 5: If you can get away with it without looking like a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Girl wannabe, try the look away trick. To do this, look away from the camera, then turn towards it, breaking into a smile just before the camera clicks. Your smile will appear fresh, not frozen. This trick takes practice behind closed, locked doors.
When taking a photo it's also important the photographer does not snap the picture from below. This adds another 20-50 pounds to the 10 pounds automatically and annoying added by the camera.
More tips on looking 10 pounds thinner in photos:
Use objects you are holding to your advantage by placing them in front of parts of you you'd prefer to hide. A purse or corsage in front of your belly. A jacket slung over the shoulder. (Gwyneth Paltrow used a perfectly placed purse to hide her baby bump before she announced her pregnancy with Apple).
Check out Spanx hosiery. The very modern version of the corset, Spanx are famous for making women all over the world appear 10 pounds thinner. I own four pairs. (Don't invest in the panty hose, like most hose, they tend to tear and these are pricey).
Fake tans will make you look and feel skinnier. Unfortunately, they tend to reek, except forGlowFusion, a spray tanner I swear is not odorous.
It's not just black that makes you look thinner. Wearing an entire outfit of just one color will do the trick as well, whether it be white, beige, brown, blue or red. One color tends to elongate your figure. Avoid entire outfits in pink, however, unless you are four years old or younger.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

20 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement

Rules that I commonly forgot. I just discovered that our company portal is that useful. It does not only contain announcements, ads whatchever but also some tips on almost everything just LIKE THIS! It helps me refresh my mind again. Hope you'll find this useful! =)

  • Subjects and verbs must agree in number. This is the cornerstone rule that forms the background of the concept.
    The dog growls when he is angry. The dogs growl when they are angry.

  • Don’t get confused by the words that come between the subject and verb; they do not affect agreement.
    The dog, who is chewing on my jeans, is usually very good.

  • Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect agreement.
    The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.

  • When sentences start with “there” or “here,” the subject will always be placed after the verb, so care needs to be taken to identify it correctly.
    There is a problem with the balance sheet.Here are the papers you requested.

  • Subjects don't always come before verbs in questions. Make sure you accurately identify the subject before deciding on the proper verb form to use.
    Does Lefty usually eat grass? Where are the pieces of this puzzle.

  • If two subjects are joined by and, they typically require a plural verb form.
    The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.

  • The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by and refer to the same person or thing.
    Red beans and rice is
     my mom's favorite dish.

  • If the words each, every, or no come before the subject, the verb is singular.
    No smoking and drinking is allowed.Every man and woman is required to check in.

  • If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also the verb is singular.
    Jessica or Christian is
     to blame for the accident.

  • The only time when the object of the preposition factors into the decision of plural or singular verb forms is when noun and pronoun subjects like some, half, none, more, all, etc. are followed by a prepositional phrase. In these sentences, the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb.
    All of the chicken is gone. All of the chickens are gone.

  • The singular verb form is usually used for units of measurement.
    Four quarts of oil was required to get the car running.

  • If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, the verb is plural.
    Dogs and cats are
     both available at the pound.

  • If one subject is singular and one plural and the words are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, you use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the verb.
    Do your sisters or your girlfriend want any pizza?

  • Indefinite pronouns typically take singular verbs.
    Everybody wants
     to be loved.

  • Except for the pronouns (few, many, several, both) that always take the plural form.
    Few were
     left alive after the flood.

  • If two infinitives are separated by and they take the plural form of the verb.
    To walk and to chew gum require
     great skill.

  • When gerunds are used as the subject of a sentence they take the singular verb form of the verb, but when they are linked by and they take the plural form.
     in the water was a bad idea. Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are my hobbies.

  • Collective nouns like herd, senate, class, crowd, etc. usually take a singular verb form. 
    The herd is stampeding.

  • Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated as singular and take a singular verb.
    The Burbs is
     a movie starring Tom Hanks.

  • Final Rule – Remember, only the subject affects the verb!

  • Friday, September 9, 2011

    Unique Paper Boxes

    Wow, what are beautiful creations!

    When I came across with this site I was so overwhelmed to learn different styles of paper bags and boxes. Actually I wanted to do all of them right now if only I have all the resources. Ehehehe...

    I've been fascinated with scrapbooking, cutesy-cutesy stuff and intricate invitations and favors. It is my plan to have my own design business, which will provide extraordinary birthday-wedding-and other occasions invitations. And now that I have learned about this site which displays tutorial on these cute boxes I will include this in my product line. Even though it looks like too tedious to do but I know I'll have fun. =) I know this is where my interest lies.
    So, good luck to me then.

    What HAIRCUT?!

    For so many weeks or months I guess, I've been planning to have my haircut. I wanted to cut it really short just like before I got pregnant. Now, I've decided to have it quite short perhaps a medium length. I wanted to have a haircut mainly because I'm getting tired of seeing my hair this dull plus the waves it usually creates. Aaargh. Every time I plan to go to salon, something always comes up that'll make me set aside the plan. So, now my hair grows even longer and duller.
    What if I also put a hair color? Highlights? Or what they call streaks?
    While I'm boring myself in the office 'cos there's nothing else to do, I seized this moment to search online for haircuts I really wanted to have.

    Keira's medium bob hair looks sexy but I'm thinking that I might look a bit old with it.

    How about Katie's? It's cute and wholesome but won't I be look like Dora The Explorer by any chance?

    Now, these are Koreans...=) Pero ok lang kasi to if you have a well-treatment hair like Matrix.

    Ta-dah! this is what I'll be having. So simple right? =)
    Next stop is what hair color should I choose? Hmmm...Hopefully I can have my haircut this Sunday and I'll bring along my daughter who badly needs one as well.

    Saturday, August 27, 2011


    How cute is this Smurfette dress. So, so dainty! 
    The quirky singer arrived at the premiere of The Smurfs movie in New York wearing a cute white dress emblazoned with a picture of her character, Smurfette, in sparkling sequins on the front.

    I really love Katy Perry's style. She really knows how carry almost everything ang reinvent herself every time.
    How I wish this can be bought anywhere. I really love to have one! Oh my gosh! 
    The skirt line is soo flattering as well, don't you think?

    Katy Perry arrives at the world premiere of The Smurfs in a very little white dress emblazoned with her character, Smurfette

    Adobe Illustrator Geeks

    It is really my frustration not having an advanced knowledge on Adobe Illustrator. I know this program does a lot things and it is intended for graphics. I'm a graphic artist and yet I'm only adept with Adobe Photoshop. I have been married with Photoshop for more than 8 years now and it is the only program I'm so used to. I never got a chance to practice and self study other programs 'cos time never permitted me to.

    Since start of 2k, it has been a fad in graphic designs the pop art, colorful and funky styles and moreso on what they call "vector". Aaaargh, until now I haven't learned the right way to do it. I know this can be easily done in Adobe Illustrator. So, now as I was killing time here in my office area I am so happy to came across this site which calls Vector Diary.  It is like Adobe for Dummies but only titled as Adobe Illustrator for Geeks, which actually teaches the step by step of Illustrator PLUS it has bonus tips and secrets to other graphic styles. Now, I'm on my Day 3 or Lesson 3. I'll continue reading now. Hope you find this helpful and enjoy! 

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    Super 8 is not that Super

    I just watched the press screening of Super 8 last Wednesday, June 8 at Glorietta 4 Cinema 3 by UIP. Wooo...I was so excited to see that movie because its teaser trailer made me curious with its special effects. And of course not to mention it is produced by Steven Spielberg.

    So, when I received an invite from them I immediately have two tickets reserved for him and me. Good thing the screening is only in Glorietta, it's near home.

    Wow, it was raining cats and dogs that day but we still pushed through. Hihihi...I love the feeling of him holding my hand while he leads the way. =) Kahit naka-heels ako, OK lang. We thought we're not gonna make it to the cocktails. Sarap ng food. Sponsored by Fish & co. I love most is their Fish Fillet. Bitin ang isang plate! Plus I wasn't able to enjoy it much since we hurriedly finished it, mag start na kasi ng screening. We found empty seats near front and later we found out that it's ok to bring the food inside! Leche! Buti na lang he offered to get another plate. Ok talaga kapag masiba din ang kasama mo. Hahaha...

    Ok now, as for the movie. Didn't like it really. I thought the movie is something deep, something mysterious and something will keep you in awe. Unfortunately it's not. The only good thing about it are the funny parts done by the main characters which is a group of children. By the way, the movie is also set not during the present time. Actually I didn't feel that it's produced by Steven Spielberg himself. I was disappointed. Good thing I've watched it for free.

    I still do recommend X-Men First Class and Hangover II. Also, the latest I've seen which is last Friday is Insidous. The latter is scary visually and not only audibly. Plus, it will surely leave some wild imagination in your mind when you sleep or even when you wake up in the middle of the night. See it! I recommend it!

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    Space-Saving Rooms

    * until now I haven't thought of any good description about myself. Good luck to me. Hahaha..I've carried it until in my sleep.

    Anyhow, I just came across with this article in yahoo last few weeks ago. I easily got fascinated. It is my dream to have a good and well-designed room of my own. But honestly, I am more fascinated with baby rooms. Too bad I was not able to apply and have one for my little girl 'cos I don't have budget, of course, that would be the main concern of everyone for everything.

    So, here there are----magical nooks and niches for secret kids' rooms

     Reading Nook

    Bunk Bed Cubbies
    Each of these bunk bed cubbies in a shared kids’ room feature a curtain that can be drawn for privacy.

    *This reminds me of the trailer houses' beds. It really saves a lot space compared with the 2 separate beds for a room. I think like these for me and Zoe. Hehehe. But wait, how can you climb on the upper bunk? I can't see a ladder or something.

     Girls' Nook
    The colorful nook in this girl’s bedroom offers a cozy escape.

    *Ooooh...I fancy this. In a house, if ever I'm gonna be asked which room I want to occupy, I'll pick the attic part. I really fancy that part which you can sit beside the window where you can write or read while gazing at the stars or watching every raindrops fall on the window. And this nook resembles the room I like. =)

     Hidden Nook
    An armoire serves as the entrance to this C.S. Lewis-inspired hidden nook.

    *This reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia. I wonder how big is the inside part of it. Kinda scary too, it appears like a big fireplace to me that eats up little children....

     Wide Reading Nook
    A wide bottom shelf creates a perfect little reading nook in this space.

    *Hahaha...I can fit in there.
     Trundle Nook

    *This is nice. =)

     Space-Saving Nook
    This child’s bedroom makes the most of difficult space.

    There are still 3 more hidden nooks found in this site:

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011


    Just testing. 
    This my first post here in my newly-created blog. I'm still not contented with my blog name. I've gotta think of my own, something unique. I've tried a while ago but sheeesh all that I entered are already taken. So, now I'm running out of names. I haven't customized my page as well. I still have to navigate every setting and function of this site. 

    I know I've done one before3-4 years ago, perhaps? I just got tired to write so I was not able to continue it anymore. I already forgotten my name too. But now, with this, I'll try to continue as long as I can. Hahahaha...Hopefully!
    It is indeed a good thing that we keep track of everything that we do, we go etc. by having a blog or some sorta. This is my frustration - WRITING. I can be talkative and talk and talk, blah and blah but in writing my whole thought usually get lost. I have no consistency...sheesh.

    For now, please bear with me 'cos I'm still new here and perhaps in writing too. 

    My assignment is to write a good description/profile about me and a good blogspot name.